Monday 27 November 2017


Hello bloggers, today I will talk about the chages that I would make to my career, both in the curriculum and in the infrastructure of my faculty, among others.
To get stared in my opinion I believe that in my career there are many needless subjects. These subjects that really do not  leave any theaching, them take away a llt of time and that them will not really serve you at all in your work future. I would say wich are some of them, but it would very compromising jajaj so I better not say it.  That is why, in me opiniom they should take out those subjects of the career  or impart them in another way.
On the other hand, I think that in our career there are teachera who are not prepared for this work, some are unaware of the correct treatment towards the students, I think they see us inferior to them, and they do demonstrate by minimizing us, and this is not right, since we have the same rights. Also, they do not  consider our opinion.
Other situation that I really do not like is the academic charge, because at least we have seven subjects subjects each semester, of wich five are of high difficulty or that need sufficient study time.  The consequence of this and the problem is that you do not have more time to do other things that are not related to the university, almost for the family. That is why you career becomes your life and I do not really like that, since life is more than just studying. 
Other problem that study my career is the faculty, because it is very small and we have few spaces, to such an extent that we do not have a casino.
 In spite of everything I have just mentioned, I really love my career and I would choose it again.
Bye, and thanks for read.

Saturday 25 November 2017


Hello everybody,  as the titule of this post says it, today I will talk aboutmy summer holidays 2018. 
Well , first of all ,in this vacation I will not be able to do everything I would like to do, because in january or February I will do my first work practice, called "práctica intermedia", I hope I can do it in a clinic or hospital.
All years I go to Papudo, since I am about 5 years old, I go with all my family, that is to say with my mom, my dad, my  aunt, my cousins, my boyfriend and of course with mu dogs, this is why I am so fond of this plaxa. I also many memoriees there. So  I hole that this year we will also go. 
Also with my famiiliy we have gone to other places, like for example, to El Tabo or Algarrobo but without doubt my favorite place is Papudo, wich is a very quiet place.
Among the activities that I would like to do here is to walk with my dogs, I be with my family in the beach.
To anotger place I have  been going for two years is Tongoy with my boyfriend, I really like this place, and I think the year 2018 also we are going to go. 
I would love to go south, but for that I need to have a bigger budget jaj. 
Bye, thanks for read.

Tuesday 14 November 2017


Hello bloggers, today I will talk about of my experience learning English. For my is not easy learn english, I think it is because  I do not a very good English basis, but I am really interested in learning this language, because I believe that speaking English opens many more doors to the world, that is why I know that someday I will speak English, I hope it is soon jaja, but  it takes   time for that, and that is what I am missing now.

All my life I thought that the way to teach English at school is not very interesanting or didactic, that is why I never paid much attention in school in English classes, it is also my mistake because if I had paid attention today I would have a better English basis.  My  experience learning English at university is very different from school, I liked it more and doing blogs entertains a lot,  besides I think I have improved  the way of writing, however I think that they could not be done every week.

My many flaw when speaking or writing in English is the lack of vocabulary and for me is very hard the conjugation of verbs.  The way  I plan to improve this problem is maybe listening music without subtitules in Spanish, and that kind of actions. And later I want to do an English course, because I want to travel and for that I would like to communicate more easily in this language.

The truth is that outside English class I do not use for anything the English.

Bye, thanks for read my post. 

Tuesday 24 October 2017


Hello everybody, today I will tslk about my pets, without doubt this is my favourite subject.
First of all, more that my pets, them are pf my family, one more. Them are the babies of the house.
In my life always I have had dogd, in ome oppotunity I have had two hamsters, I would love  to have a cat or a rabbit, but I can not for my dogs, and because to my family dont like those animals.
I have three pets, they are called Roco, Doky and Hanna, to be orderly I will speak to you one by one.
To the Roco we adopted, well my parents bought it 😓 the year 2008. He have white hair, and is small but not so small jaja. I believe that the Roco is the "Macho alfa" of the herd. He is very cute and he was the first pets in my house.

The history how the doky arrived in my house is the most fun, because one day my sister and I were in my room and suddenly we hear the cries of a dog, then we see the garden of my house and there was a puppy, he was very cute and small, the most fun was that he had a sweater jaja. We take it, and from there live in our house. This happened the year 2011 and he was rhe second pet in my house. The doky is very strange because only wants caresses when he asks. He have black hair and he is very big.


The hanna lived in the house of my aunt, and we asopted because my aun adopted a dog very big that hurt her, this was the year 2014. The Hanna is incredibly cute, she is all day with me. She have withe hair and is very small. All people think it is a puppy but she is 7 years old jaja.
I like them all, the best thing is to get to the housr and they receive you as if you had not seen in years. That fills my soul.
My life without them I cant not imagine, they are part of me, if something will happen to them I die. I really love them.

Monday 23 October 2017


Hi bloggers, today I will talk about of my postraduate studies, what will I do in the future.
I think it is very important to continue studying frequently in our lives, because we need to update our knowledge. Also, for me is necessary to go specializing from time to time, because every time appear new studies, new discoveries, and things that were not know before. And the only way to know them is by studying.
 That is why after finishing studying my carre ( Chemistry and Pharmacy) I would like study a postgraduate.
The truth is that the only thing that I have clear is that I want tu continue studying after I am a graduate, that is to say a postgraduate, but I do not know of what, because  I do not know what is my favourite area, I have ideas but so far them are very vague,  nothing concrete, because I still have a lot to know, maybe after of I doing the  working practices I clarify me. But good, so far that I like the most is the clinical area, because I would like to work in a hospital, performing pharmacovigilance work, is for this that the posgraduate that will I do in a while more should relate to this area.
But, as well I like other area this is the cosmetic industries, but until nkw I lean more for the first option, because I want have contact with the pacients.
This postgraduate I would like do outside of Chile, specifically in Vancouver, Canada, because I love this city.
And to finish, the postgraduate I would like do it part time.

Tuesday 3 October 2017

BLOG 5: My future job

Hello everyone, in my life  I have thought very much at that the moment I would like to be employed when I grow up jaja. The truth is that I would not  like that my life to be based on work, for this my idea, maybe something utopian is work for four months, save money and travel for two months, and so on. But well, you never know the twist of the life that is why I do not close of anything. 
Then, today I will talk about I would to like work on when I finish my career,                ( Chemistry and farmacy)  honestly  I still have not got it very plain, because I am only going in secon year of my career and I still have a lot no know. But, till now what more I would like is work in the area of clinical  pharmacy, performing functions related to pharmacovigilance, because I like help to people. And the other option for me, is work in a cosmetic industriy, but till now I like more the first option.
As I said before, I would  love to and it is my dream to travel all over the world, so for me it would be much better if I had to travel for world. And, I would like work outdoors, but I do not think it is possible.
In relation with the salary, only I would like thet the salary was reaching for the whole month and to be able to save money to travel, I don’t pretend to become millonaire jamja. 
Well, I hope that they have liked the post and thanks for read.

Tuesday 26 September 2017


National holidays of our country are celebrated the September 18th, because in this date was the first national meeting, and it marked the national independence. 
I love These holiday, because everybody are happy, but also I feel sad, because  at this time is when more animals kill.
Today I will talk about what I did, where I went and with who
These holidays for me started the 15 of september, because it was the “Quimifonda” in our faculty, this event is long awaited, becaause foreign people come. In this year it was very good  because there were a lot of people, gpood music  and good environment. I really enjoyed that day, because also I was with my boyfriend  and my friends.
From 16 to 17 I went to the plot of the grandmother of my boyfriend, we rest so much  and I amused myself very much.
The 18 I went to “Parque O’higgins” with my friends, it was very entertainig, because there were many musical groups, for example “Giolito y su combo” and we danced a lot,, the onlu bad thing was there were  a lot people, to the point that we could not walk.
The  September 19th
and the last day of celebration, I went to my grandmother , in this date we are all together and enojoyed in family.
How do you see  this national holiday was very moved for me, because I did many things and I had a great time. And the best that was I had the week free, that is to say, in vacation.
I hope  you  enjoyed in this national holiday, bye. 

Tuesday 12 September 2017


Resultado de imagen para 100 años de soledadIn my life I read many books, but not many how I would like , because now I don't have time that don't do for study. As film, but I try of do time for read a book, because is one of my favourites hobbies. I like book of drama, suspense, terror, and other categories.  
My favourite book is "100 años de soledad" its autor is Gabriel García Márquez, this book I  read when I was going to school, but I don't remember the grade. I loved it, unlike of my colleagues that don't like this book, in fact they don't ended up of read it. And I read in a week, because the book took me another other dimension. This is why I am grateful to my teacher that made us read this book.  

Resultado de imagen para 100 años de soledad macondoThe main character is "José Arcadio Buendía", he is the patriarch of the family, and founded Macondo, and the other main  characters "Úrsula Iguarán", she is cousin and wife of the characters previously named. They had many children, in total three children, and one adopted, who later they form their families. And thus the family grows into a sixth generation.
For my this piece is very attractive,because it is a book that when it starts one reading it has to finish it. Also it have a unexpected finish. It is for this motive that I recommend. But, If you want to read it you have to do it with time.

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Blog 2: The Best Holidays

In my life I have had many vacations, but undoubtedly, my best holidays were of the this years, exactly in the month of July up yo August, for four weeks. I was to Vancouver, Canada, for to visit the my sister, who is does one year there, and since that time I didn't see her. Thus they imagine the reuniting with she, the true is that was very emotional, in fact we both cried, while we hugged.
I lived through these holidays  just with my sister, so now I will talk about of this experience.          
   My complete family, that is to say, my mom, my dad, my aunt, my uncle, my boyfriend and my cousins, only my dogs were absent jaja went to leave me to the airport, when I arrived, I saw my sister we cried, then we went to the house and in the night we went to the party.                                    
  And the later days, we go out to know the city, the beachs, the parks and obviously we went to more parties. There was one in particular that I loved, this was the party of the drums. 
 Also, we went to Banff, exactly to Rocky Mountains with two friends of my sister, this place is magic, in fact, was the best place that I've know in my life, everything was beautiful, also we had the opportunity of know bears, deer, squirrels and more animals, and that made me very happy.
 This has been the best holidays of my life, because I was with my sister and knew other another  facet of her, of my friends, and I loved that. Also, I loved of this place, undoubtedly I'll come back. 

Thursday 29 June 2017

Your blogging experience

This is my last post, and I will talking about of this my experience as blogger.
To comunicate is very important for our life, because we are humans, thus we need relate amoung us, but nowadays the interpersonal communications have got lost because of the technology, what in my opinion is a bad situation, because since as I said it previously we must communicate strictly between ourselves and that better that FACE TO FACE.
Resultado de imagen para endBut I have to admite that I am one of those people, thoug in my defense is because I dont have time, by reason of the university, because it consumes me all the time.
I know that in the subject "Ingles 2" we had to do a blogs, because my friends talked me, to them 
dont liked this experience, therefore I thought that it would be bored. But, when  we was in first  laboratory and the teacher said " today we are going to do a blog", I thought "noooo, no fun", but when I ended of to do my firs blog I said "ohhh, is fun".
 I liked so much the experience of be a blogger , because I could know  both my teacher and my classmates.
Really, I believe that my abilities of write  have not developed much, because I lack vocabulary, what I have noticed is that now I write faster in comparison when I started in this experience, therefore something has served me.
In future, the truth is that Ican not think of anything to include in blogs, because I liked it, because it is a didactic way of learning and especially that we talk about the same topics. Maybe they could be done the  blogs in the house.
I would have liked to talk about of controversial issues, such as abortin, the legalization of weed, amoung other, so that we would give our own opinions about them. Ahhh also, of the veganism.

                                                                                   Bye, until forever. Thanks for read my blog.

Thursday 22 June 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

Today I will talking about a subject that draws my attention, this is the cloning, because in my opinion it is a technique very interesting.  Also, is a subject very controversial, that is why  from scientist and theoligians to radio announcers and lawyers have discussed the religious, ethical and legal aspects involved in the cloning of human being. It also reises questions about the manipulation of human beings for the benefit of others, our obligation to heal the sick ( and their limits), and the respect and protection we owe to human life.

The cloning is a variety  of processes that they can use for  to produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity. The copied material, wich has the same genetic makeup as the original, it  is know a clone.

Resultado de imagen para clonacionResearches have cloned a wide variety of biological material, including genes, cells, tissues and even whole organisms, such as sheep. In fact, the first case of cloning was the sheep "Dolly", who was the first mammal cloned from an adult cell. Its creators were scientists at the Roslin Institute in Edingburgh (Scotland). His birth was not announced until seven months later, on February 22, 1997.
In our career it is very important, because thanks to this  is possible clone cells with the objective of try drugs in these. But, not only cells, because also of tissues or other microorganisms, it is possible clone in order to test many drogs. 
Resultado de imagen para clonacionI learned about this subject, when I was 10 years old, in a moment that I watched T.V and "Salfate" speak of the cloning and  from there it called my attention. 
In future, the cloning can have uses unsuspected, because even  it would be  possible cloned humans in benefit of others. But, also would allow to conserve species in danger of extinction.

The advantages that this technique  could have are:

  •  In case of human cloning, the ability to restore functions in organs with damage, for example neuronal regeneration.
  • Breeding of species today. 
  • Will allow to have children with the characteristics of only one the spouses, in the supposition that the other one suffered from a serious genetic disease not yet resolved.
And for last, the disadvantages could have are:
  • Genetic manipulation supplanting the nature of things.
  • The misuse, because could clone with objective of supplant other humans.
  • Genetic diversity  would be lost. 


Hello bloggers, today I will talk about the chages that I would make to my career, both in the curriculum and in the infrastructure of my f...