Tuesday 12 September 2017


Resultado de imagen para 100 años de soledadIn my life I read many books, but not many how I would like , because now I don't have time that don't do for study. As film, but I try of do time for read a book, because is one of my favourites hobbies. I like book of drama, suspense, terror, and other categories.  
My favourite book is "100 años de soledad" its autor is Gabriel García Márquez, this book I  read when I was going to school, but I don't remember the grade. I loved it, unlike of my colleagues that don't like this book, in fact they don't ended up of read it. And I read in a week, because the book took me another other dimension. This is why I am grateful to my teacher that made us read this book.  

Resultado de imagen para 100 años de soledad macondoThe main character is "José Arcadio Buendía", he is the patriarch of the family, and founded Macondo, and the other main  characters "Úrsula Iguarán", she is cousin and wife of the characters previously named. They had many children, in total three children, and one adopted, who later they form their families. And thus the family grows into a sixth generation.
For my this piece is very attractive,because it is a book that when it starts one reading it has to finish it. Also it have a unexpected finish. It is for this motive that I recommend. But, If you want to read it you have to do it with time.



Hello bloggers, today I will talk about the chages that I would make to my career, both in the curriculum and in the infrastructure of my f...