Thursday 29 June 2017

Your blogging experience

This is my last post, and I will talking about of this my experience as blogger.
To comunicate is very important for our life, because we are humans, thus we need relate amoung us, but nowadays the interpersonal communications have got lost because of the technology, what in my opinion is a bad situation, because since as I said it previously we must communicate strictly between ourselves and that better that FACE TO FACE.
Resultado de imagen para endBut I have to admite that I am one of those people, thoug in my defense is because I dont have time, by reason of the university, because it consumes me all the time.
I know that in the subject "Ingles 2" we had to do a blogs, because my friends talked me, to them 
dont liked this experience, therefore I thought that it would be bored. But, when  we was in first  laboratory and the teacher said " today we are going to do a blog", I thought "noooo, no fun", but when I ended of to do my firs blog I said "ohhh, is fun".
 I liked so much the experience of be a blogger , because I could know  both my teacher and my classmates.
Really, I believe that my abilities of write  have not developed much, because I lack vocabulary, what I have noticed is that now I write faster in comparison when I started in this experience, therefore something has served me.
In future, the truth is that Ican not think of anything to include in blogs, because I liked it, because it is a didactic way of learning and especially that we talk about the same topics. Maybe they could be done the  blogs in the house.
I would have liked to talk about of controversial issues, such as abortin, the legalization of weed, amoung other, so that we would give our own opinions about them. Ahhh also, of the veganism.

                                                                                   Bye, until forever. Thanks for read my blog.

Thursday 22 June 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

Today I will talking about a subject that draws my attention, this is the cloning, because in my opinion it is a technique very interesting.  Also, is a subject very controversial, that is why  from scientist and theoligians to radio announcers and lawyers have discussed the religious, ethical and legal aspects involved in the cloning of human being. It also reises questions about the manipulation of human beings for the benefit of others, our obligation to heal the sick ( and their limits), and the respect and protection we owe to human life.

The cloning is a variety  of processes that they can use for  to produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity. The copied material, wich has the same genetic makeup as the original, it  is know a clone.

Resultado de imagen para clonacionResearches have cloned a wide variety of biological material, including genes, cells, tissues and even whole organisms, such as sheep. In fact, the first case of cloning was the sheep "Dolly", who was the first mammal cloned from an adult cell. Its creators were scientists at the Roslin Institute in Edingburgh (Scotland). His birth was not announced until seven months later, on February 22, 1997.
In our career it is very important, because thanks to this  is possible clone cells with the objective of try drugs in these. But, not only cells, because also of tissues or other microorganisms, it is possible clone in order to test many drogs. 
Resultado de imagen para clonacionI learned about this subject, when I was 10 years old, in a moment that I watched T.V and "Salfate" speak of the cloning and  from there it called my attention. 
In future, the cloning can have uses unsuspected, because even  it would be  possible cloned humans in benefit of others. But, also would allow to conserve species in danger of extinction.

The advantages that this technique  could have are:

  •  In case of human cloning, the ability to restore functions in organs with damage, for example neuronal regeneration.
  • Breeding of species today. 
  • Will allow to have children with the characteristics of only one the spouses, in the supposition that the other one suffered from a serious genetic disease not yet resolved.
And for last, the disadvantages could have are:
  • Genetic manipulation supplanting the nature of things.
  • The misuse, because could clone with objective of supplant other humans.
  • Genetic diversity  would be lost. 

Thursday 8 June 2017

The most enjoyable subject

I have to admit that the majority of subjects that I had until now in the university I did not like it very much,   especially those  related to mathematics and physics for example "mecánica", "estadística y probabilidades", " cálculo diferencial", among others. But, on the other hand, the subjects that I liked are those that have to do with chemistry, since it is the science that I like the most, that is why my favourite subject is "Laboratorio de Química General", this course in the second semester.  Well in this class performed experiments, in wich synthesized substances, such colour crystals, wich I found very intertaining and interesting. That's why I liked the subject a lot.
Resultado de imagen para laboratorioIn this subject, first we had a theorical class of 15 minuts, to explain the procedure and then we  went to the lab, therefore the class was in 90% theoretical, wich in my opinion is a better way to learn, because it is more didactic.
Also, the teachers and the helpers always were willing to help us and to resolve our doubts, besides they mainteined a pleasant atmosphere inside the laboratory, wich made me like the class even more.
This subject helped me a lot in my learnin, since I learned chemistry and understand it best, in a more didactic way, wich motivated me more to study.
Also, they were all my friend, wich made it a better subject.

Friday 2 June 2017

Person that I admire

Marie-curie.jpgMarie Curie, here complete name was Marie Skłodowska Curie, and her name of single was Maria Salomea Skłodowska. She was born the 7 November of 1867 in Poland, but the most of her life lived in Paris, France. She was physicist and  chemist pioneer in studied the radioactivity, thanks to that she obtained a Nobel prize. But not only won a Nobel prize, because she obtained two of this prizes, one of chemistry and the other of physical. And, she died the 4 July of 1934, product of the studies with radioactive elements. 

I admire this scientific because she was the first woman in obtain the Nobel prize, and the causes because she with her husband were discovered  two news elements,  Radio and Polonio, this last element, it was called in honour the place that she was born.  Also, her studies have helped in the knowledge of science. She was a woman that didn't  have fear of what was thought about her, because in that era it was frowned upon a scientific woman, but even so she followed whit her dreams. 


Hello bloggers, today I will talk about the chages that I would make to my career, both in the curriculum and in the infrastructure of my f...